Friday, October 29, 2010

Can't open / print preview PDF in Workspace

Recently my client's workspace returned an HTTP Status 500 error exception report.  He was trying to open a Financial Report in PDF preview using Hyperion Workspace version 9.  The Description: The server encountered an internal error() that prevented it from fulfilling this request.  (Certainly this doesn't give you any clear answer to all the helluva).  But the Java Error Message may clear your foggy mind: D:\Hyperion\BIPlus\temp\budgetadmin\23654B43.pdf (The system cannot find the file specified).  It says that the System cannot found the PDF file mentioned.

Error message printscreen shown below:

To solve this issue, you may want to first check running services.  Particularly relating to Hyperion Reporting Services (Such as Report Server, Print Server, and Web Application).  If either of this services are down you may need to turn it on, check whether the problem is cleared or not.  If not you may go on reading.

In my case, I believe it has something to do with the PDF Generator (I used GNU Ghostscript, but you may as well use use Adobe Acrobat Distiller).  All I did was reconfigure the Financial Reporting via Configuration Utility.

Then I chose the PDF Generator

Define the Workspace Web Application, Financial Reporting Print Service Location, and Financial Reporting Scheduler Service Location (I left it to the original default parameter).

After you did this, look at the Hyperion Reporting Services.  The services may go down.  You have to turn it up again.  After that I believe that all is well.


  1. i had an experience when i try print preview PDF in workspace. when i can't preview it, i just exit my workspace then it back to normal. haha

  2. Well, In my case, the problem persist even after my client reopen the browser :D
